Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Dry Season

So it is beautiful, lazy Sunday in Santa Teresa... It has been really hot and dusty lately. Running through Malpais and Santa Teresa is a long, winding road that basically connects one town to the next.

During the dry season (December through April), people water the roads to keep the dust down.

Molasses is also sometimes poured on the roads to keep the dust down:

Otherwise, this happens:

Typically, I am able to find sanctuary in my hammock from the dust and the heat. Recently however, my landlords have been burning leaves so my roommates and I have had to find ways to deal with the smoke that blows onto our patio:

Another hazard of the dry season is that sometimes water supplies can be scarce. There´s usually enough water from the street supply, but at times when there is a shortage, my roommates and I are able to use a reserve supply from a tank:

Worse comes to worst, one can always rinse off in the ocean...

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