Monday, March 9, 2009

Delicacies of Costa Rica

Here are a few delicious things that I have discovered since I have been here (these things aren´t necessarily native or unique to Costa Rica, I just had no idea they existed until I got here):

TRITS - are delicious Ice Cream Sandwiches that come in little plastic containers. A Trit is made up of chocolate laced vanilla ice cream sandwiched between two sugar cookies. I have heard that there is a Trit factory glitch that results in a Trit with two cookies on each side of the sandwich instead of just one... I have yet to experience this mystical Trit...

Trits also makes for a good birthday cake - here´s one we had for Matt´s birthday a few weeks ago:

GRANADILLA - According to Wikipedia, this is a type of passion fruit, known as a ¨Golden Passionfruit¨ Here is what Wikipedia has to say about Granadillas and about Passion Fruit in general. Before I got down here, I had only seen the purple wrinkly type. Here´s a picture of a Granadilla that I had and the fruit truck from whence it came:

COSTA RICAN COFFEE - made using a Costa Rican coffee maker which consists of a coffee ¨sock¨and a stand to suspend the sock.
Instructions: Put ground coffee in sock. Place cup under sock. Pour boiling water into sock.

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